Register for NZMOA’s Open Forums
Boatyard Operations Wednesday 14 May and Administration Thursday 15 May in Auckland
The New Zealand Marina Operators Association is the national trade association for the marina industry and its suppliers
We represent New Zealand’s marinas and boatyards. We are a non-profit, volunteer run organisation that seeks optimal outcomes for our industry.
Environment & Sustainability
NZMOA runs the Clean Marinas programme and supports the industry to establish best practice in key areas including water quality, marine biosecurity, and more.
Leadership, Networking & Training
Thanks to an ongoing commitment to training and education, New Zealand’s Marinas and Boatyard industry has a world-leading knowledge base.
Find out about:
Operational training
Knowledge sharing at Open Forums
Annual Marinas and Boatyard Conference
The Marina Cadet programme
NZMOA Awards
NZMOA Skydrive
NZMOA maintains a cloud-based drive that includes:
Sample employment agreements
Templates for berthage agreements
Health and Safety templates
Further resources
If you are a NZMOA member, contact us for your own username and password.