Becoming a Clean Marina may be the best decision you ever make
Marinas with Clean Marina status have proven that they operate with the environment top of mind.
Water quality and sustainable practice underpins best practice
NZMOA’s Clean Marina programme promotes sustainable environmental initiatives to help protect our coastal and inland marine areas for future generations to enjoy.
New Zealand marinas active in the programme are:
Viaduct Harbour (Level 1)
Waiheke Marina (Level 1)
Outboard Boating Club (Level 2)
Orakei Marina (Level 2)
Picton Marina (Level 2)
Waikawa Marina (Level 2)
Havelock Marina (Level 2)
Half Moon Bay Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Gulf Harbour Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Westhaven Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Whitianga Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Whangamata Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Tauranga Bridge Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Seaview Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Te Ana Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Nelson Marina (Level 3 - certified)
Bay of Islands Marina (Level 3 - certified)
The Clean Marina programme is an industry led programme that encourage marina operators, boatyards, contractors and recreational boaties to do there part to protect coastal and inland water quality.
Clean Marinas advocates Best Management Practices (BMP's) - or basic low cost, low technology ways of protecting the environment.
In general Best Management Practice's are pollution control activities designed to prevent or reduce the discharge of contaminants into the environment. Achieving pollution reduction through initiating simple management practices is simply good sound business. To be successful, BMP's must fit the needs of the business using them and be incorporated into routine activities.

The first step starts with the Clean Marina Pledge.
Three Steps Becoming a Clean Marina:
Level 1: The Clean Marina Pledge
By signing the pledge the applicant makes a voluntary public commitment to reduce pollution and enhance the environment through sound business strategies.
Applicants receive a copy of the industry Best Management Practices & Self Assessment Guidebooks to assist them in achieving worlds best practice in environmental initiatives.
Level 2: Clean Marina – Self Assessment
Importantly, the process is aided by the provision of a step-by-step, easy to follow Best Management Practices guidebook.
Applicants conduct a self assessment through the Guidebook and Checklists provided and make any necessary changes to there current operations until the achievements of the basic environmental management systems as outlined in the checklists is attained.
Level 3: Clean Marina – Independent Assessment
Once a marina completes their Level 2 self-assessment members of the NZMOA Executive and an Independent Auditor will conduct an independent audit and assessment of the facility.
Upon achieving Level 3 Clean Marina status the NZMOA Executive will present the recipient with a Certificate valid for 2 years and the New Zealand Clean Marina Flag.
NZMOA will also assist the recipient with Press Release and Marketing material and be included on the NZMOA website, Clean Marina listing.
To maintain Clean Marina status the facility must be independently audited bi-annually. Spot checks are possible.
There is an expectation that marinas will work to ‘raise the bar’ each cycle.
Participation in the Clean Marinas Programme is entirely voluntary. Pledging is the first step towards attaining the New Zealand Clean Marina certification.
Benefits of Clean Marina Certification include:
A framed Certificate… showing your commitment and attainment of the NZ Clean Marina status. These are presented at the NZMOA Marina & Boatyard Conference for each year that you hold Clean Marina Status.
A New Zealand Clean Marina flag… to fly at your facility to show your commitment to maintaining environmental standards
Marketing and promotion by the NZ Clean Marinas Programme in industry publications
Authorisation to use the "New Zealand Clean Marina" logo on your website, letterheads and in any promotions or communications
Introductions to and attainment of national and international accreditation systems
How much does it cost?
NZMOA charges the following fees for Clean Marina accreditation:
$500 plus GST for marinas up to 300 berths.
$750 plus GST for marinas 300 -750 berths
$1000 plus GST for marinas 750 plus
Plus disbursements (if any)

Need more information?
For more information or to apply to become a New Zealand Clean Marina, please contact: comms@nzmoa.com