Navigating the Covid-19 crisis

 As we start to see light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel, the marina and boatyard industry is looking forward to resuming business as usual.

 Chris Galbraith is chair of the New Zealand Marina Operators Association (NZMOA) and he says that its executive, which consists of eight industry experts througout New Zealand, has met regularly via Zoom throughout the crisis. 

NZMOA has taken numerous calls and despatched regular advisories via email to its members providing insight, advice and options into managing facilities through the various stages of Covid alert levels and lockdowns. 

The organisation has been conscious of the many responsibilities its members have.  This includes responsibilties to customers who are paying significant fees for berthage and some of which live onboard; responsibility to the environment, as untended vessels can quickly become hazards; responsibility to their staff who deserve a safe working environment and stable income; and also responsibility to commercial tenants renting space in marina premises.

Navigating through these isn’t always straightforward and NZMOA has leaned on insight from its executive that are each facing unique sets of circumstances. 

“Our marinas and boatyards have adjusted and have done so positively,” says Chris.

“Level 3 means we are generally open for business but with safety precautions implemented to keep large public precincts safe for all. Recreational boating is still deemed non-essential under Level 3, which is probably contrary to the belief of many Kiwis and definitely many of our customers,” says Chris. “The timing could have been worse, and thankfully it wasn’t in the middle of the summer season.” 

Chris says that NZMOA will be asking its marina and boatyard menbers to support the marine indsutry – its own loyal corporate members in particular - in any way they can to make sure we hit the ground running as soon as the country’s alert level drops.  







The 2020 NZMOA Salary Survey is underway


NZ’s best marinas & boatyards named for 2019