Record turnout for the 2022 NZMOA Open Forum
A record turnout at NZMOA's Open Forums shows it's very clear that the marina industry is ready to network and connect again! Thanks to the 70+ attendees, sponsors and speakers that made it happen through two days of discussion, ideas sharing, and networking at Bucklands Beach Yacht Club and Half Moon Bay Marina in Auckland.
“It was fantastic to see member interest in the NZMOA Open Forum events recently held in Auckland,” says NZMOA Chair Chris Galbraith. “The record attendance proves the value these sharing events provide to staff. Everyone gets to take something away and apply the learnings to improve their workplace and also benefit them personally. This also applies to the executive who were able to get a steer from participants on where effort needs to be applied. A fantastic event and thank you to all involved.”
With thanks to our sponsors for making great NZMOA events possible