Findings of fourth Covid-19 industry survey

Members of the New Zealand Marina Operators Association (NZMOA) were asked to indicate how their metrics or perceptions had changed as a result of Covid-19. These are the results of the survey completed in September, during a period of lockdown for all of the country, and an extended one for Auckland.

Compared with the April survey, there was less confidence in the industry for the next six months ahead. This may be due to the timing of the survey amidst the arrival of the Delta Variant in New Zealand. 

70% of respondents expressed high confidence in the industry, compared with 90% in April 2021. Only one reported reduced confidence. 

Most expected marina projects to continue like normal and 50% of respondents had high level of confidence that this would be the case.

Obviously with the lockdown in place in Auckland, use of facilities including boat ramps and marina facilities was reported as down compared with previous years. 

90% of respondents had not noticed any changes with regards to customers paying their invoices on time, or defaulting or asking for discounts. 

As a result of the August Level 4 lockdown marinas reported feeling pressure. The period to prepare for Christmas was shortened and they were behind in work levels. One reported there was uncertainty on project completion, winter projects pushed into busier summer months, smaller parts of a big maintenance project are prioritised resulting in two rounds of work. 

One operator reported that while there was no word yet from any offshore bookings demand is still high for berths from local boats, with more boats being brought in to the country by New Zealanders. They predicted that the summer period would be busy as the lockdowns ease. 


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Thinking outside the blocks: Superior Modular Dock