Report on second Covid-19 industry survey


A survey of the New Zealand marina industry shows the industry continues to be strong and confident. Facilities are being well used, although some operations are noticing that customers are finding it harder to pay their fees. 

 Members of the New Zealand Marina Operators Association (NZMOA) were asked to indicate how their metrics or perceptions had changed as a result of Covid-19. 

76% of respondents said their confidence in the industry for the next six months had improved (compared with 75% in May). No respondents reported worsened confidence in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Respondents are more confident that their marina projects will proceed than they were in May. All respondents believed that as a result of the pandemic, marina projects, including extensions, refurbishments and improvements, would continue as planned. (In May 19% believed projects would be less likely to progress.) 76% of these believe that there will be more projects planned as a result of lockdown.

Despite the second lockdown, generally, operations reported that use of their boat ramp and marina facilities was increased in comparison with a normal year: 59% reported use of marina facilities, and 44% reported use of boat ramp facilites was up. Only one marina reported a decrease in use of marina facilities. 

While in May most operations reported that customers are contining to pay their invoices as usual, this had shifted slightly: 53% reported that customers were defaulting on payments or asking for discounts more than usual. One reported it was noticing significant change in this area. The balance have not noticed any change. 


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